


你的经济援助资格是由多种因素决定的,并且可能会受到太少学分的影响, 减少或增加课程和退出课程.

下面的信息将帮助你了解在决定你的经济援助资格的因素. 请注意,澳门网络博彩网站你的资格的大多数表格和所有信息都可以在你的学生门户网站上找到, “鹰链”.


Your federal aid is disbursed (paid onto your account) in two equal installments during the fall, 和春天.  (If you intend to enroll for Summer, please see the tab for Summer Semester).   每学期,你的助学金将在人口普查后一周左右支付到你的学生账单账户. 你的资助只有在下列情况下才能发放:

  1. 你没有悬而未决的等待或要求. 您总是可以检入需求 “鹰链” 在“经济援助”和“我的资格”下.”
  2. 你已经获得并接受了你的经济资助.
  3. All required promissory notes for your loans have been signed and loan counseling is complete.
  4. The credits you are registered for count towards your aid eligibility. 因重修已通过的课程而被排除的课程(联邦助学金只允许重修一次), 作为本科生学习研究生水平的课程, taking a course at a partner school that does not transfer to TU, 或者被列入候补名单.  在一个期限结束后接受贷款资金, the student must successfully complete a minimum of half-time credits for the previous term(s). If the loan period included both the prior term and the current term, 学生还必须在本学期注册至少一半时间,才有资格获得任何贷款支付. 如果学生只获得一个学期的贷款(e.g., 只适用于秋季学期), the financial aid award must have been offered and accepted before the end of that term. 联邦法规规定,只有在学生目前至少有一半的时间入学并且没有间隔的情况下,才可以证明已经到期的贷款
  5. 您的预期注册与您的实际注册相符. 全日制学生的助学金总是打包的. Your budget and aid may need to be adjusted if you are less than full-time. 你必须 submit an 注册修改表 if you plan to be less than full-time.
学生水平 全职 3/4的时间 半场


本科 12 + 9-11 6-8



12 + 9-11 6-8



9 + N/A 5-8


  • When a reduction in aid is required due to a student’s official enrollment level on the 人口普查日期, the reduction usually creates a balance due on the student’s TU account. 如果因为掉学分而有学费退还, the tuition refund will be used to reduce the balance due on the student’s account.
  • 在人口普查日期注册时间少于一半的学生没有资格获得任何联邦学生贷款. In these cases, the entire loan amount for the term will be returned. The return of loan funds will create a bill on the student’s TU account, but also reduces the outstanding principal balance due on the student loan.
  • 在人口普查日期之后支付的任何当前学期经济援助将基于学生在人口普查日期的正式入学或他们在支付时注册的实际学分数, 以较低者为准. Credits added after the 人口普查日期 cannot be used to increase aid eligibility.


The chart below shows the minimum enrollment required to be eligible for each fund type. 在学生的账户上进行支付, their enrollment must also match the enrollment for which they are awarded.

援助类型 大学肄业生 学士学位阶段后的 研究生
联邦佩尔助学金* 1 N/A N/A
联邦增刊. 建造. Opp. 格兰特 6 N/A N/A
联邦斯塔福德贷款 & 到凶手 6 6 5
联邦PLUS贷款 6 6 5
奖学金 因奖学金而异,请咨询奖学金协调员

*联邦佩尔助学金必须根据入学人数按比例发放. 全日制(12+学分)获得100%, 3/4次(9-11学分)获得75%, 1/2 time (6-8 credits) receives 50% and less-than-1/2 time (1-5 credits) receives 25%. Enrollment at less than full-time may result in ineligibility for Pell 格兰特 funds.


Financial aid disbursed to your student account pays your tuition and other university fees.  如果你的援助金额不包括你的填补费用, 你可以和商务办公室订一个付款计划. If the amount of your aid is greater than the eligible charges on your student account, the difference will be refunded to you by the 学生账户 office. 一旦申请经济援助,学生账户办公室负责处理学生账户的退款. If you have questions about your bill or your refund, please contact the 学生账户.

从联邦勤工俭学计划中获得资金的学生在支付期间按工作时间支付工资. These funds do not go toward paying student tuition and charges. 联邦勤工俭学基金通过人力资源部的定期工资支付,通常每两周发放一次.


如果你有直接存款设置, 您的退款将直接存入您的银行账户,并应在人口普查日之后可用. 你可以通过你的 “鹰链” 在我的分类帐部分下. 这是最快,最有效的方式收到您的退款.


辍学会在几个方面影响你的经济援助. 援助是基于你的注册级别 人口普查日期 每一项的. 为本科生, 全日制状态为12个或以上学分, 3/4的时间是9-11学分, 1/2是6-8学分, 半场结束前是1-5个学分. Less than full-time enrollment may affect your financial aid eligibility. 不到一半时间注册的学生没有资格获得大多数类型的援助,包括联邦学生贷款. 如果你的计划不是全职的,你必须提交一份 注册修改表 (可在 “鹰链”)到财政援助办公室.

Financial aid eligibility each term is based on your level of enrollment on the 人口普查日期. 在这一天, budgets and financial aid are adjusted and locked based on your enrollment level at that time. If your aid was paid at the full-time amount and you are less than full-time on the 人口普查日期, 你的预算将被修改,你的援助可能需要减少,以反映你的人口普查日期登记. This revision may create a new bill on your TU student billing account.


The 人口普查日期 is the point at which your enrollment is locked for financial aid purposes. 在秋季和春季学期, the census coincides with the last date you can drop classes for a full tuition refund on TU. 在这学期的这个时候, 学时被锁定,学期的经济援助被调整以反映学生的正式注册学分. 例如, 如果学生在学期开始时获得全日制入学的资助,然后放弃学分, 然后根据人口普查日期登记的学分数量和获得的援助类型对援助进行修改,以符合他们的资格. 如果学生在人口普查日期后退出所有课程, 可能需要进一步的援助调整.


在夏季学期, the census coincides with the last date you can add courses in session one. Dropping courses after the summer 人口普查日期 may result in a reversal of your Pell 格兰特. 你必须参加所有的课程,以获得该学期支付的联邦财政援助. 如果您在课程开始前退课,或者我们无法核实您是否参加了该课程, we are required to reverse any Pell 格兰特 payments made for that course. 被撤销的佩尔将被送回澳门网络博彩网站部. This reversal of aid may create a new bill on your TU student billing account. 什么是经济援助普查?

The summer term is unique because there are sessions that do not span the entire 11-week term. 在夏季学期, 如果你在课程开始前退了一门课, we are required to reverse any Pell 格兰特 payments made for that course. 被撤销的佩尔将被送回澳门网络博彩网站部. This reversal of aid may create a new bill on your TU student billing account.

在人口普查日期之后放弃或退出课程, may also impact your financial aid eligibility for the current and future terms. 撤回 from all courses, failing to complete courses (unofficially withdrawing), or not 参与 in courses, may result in the partial or full loss of aid eligibility for that term. 未来的任期资格将取决于继续作出 令人满意的学业进展.


除非你另有说明,否则我们会假定你是全日制学生(本科12学分/研究生9学分). If your enrollment does not match, your financial aid does not disburse until after our 人口普查日期. 以避免任何延误, let us know your enrollment plans PRIOR to the start of the term by submitting an 注册版本 form. 大多数类型的援助需要至少一半的注册时间(本科6学分/研究生5学分).


FAFSA申请使用的是前几年的税务数据, which may not always be an accurate reflection of your current situation. 如果能够提供足够的文件,澳门网络博彩网站部允许机构使用专业判断来更改FAFSA申请的某些元素. 如果你或你的家人失业了, 婚姻状况的变化, 或者其他特殊情况, 你可以向我们办公室申诉,要求审查你的情况. 如果得到批准, your federal aid eligibility and financial need may be recalculated, 根据新的信息. 你必须 提交FAFSA 以标准的方式,然后提交你的特殊情况上诉的额外文件. 有关特殊情况上诉的更多信息, 请联系财政援助办公室.


Revisions can be made to your financial aid or cost of attendance for: change of grade level, 接受先前拒绝的贷款, 减少以前接受但尚未发放的贷款, 父母或学生的非自愿收入损失, out of the ordinary expenses such as medical and 儿童保育成本, 一台电脑的成本, 学费超过了你的经济援助预算.

修订申请表格: 使用此表格更改您的经济援助,例如未来条款的入学更改以及增加或减少您的斯塔福德贷款.

2018/2019年度费用增加表: 由于特殊情况导致的费用可能会增加,这些费用未包括在最初的经济援助计算中. Examples of these costs are significant out-of-pocket medical expenses not covered by insurance, 儿童保育成本, 或者购买一台电脑的成本. 除非你还有剩余的资格,否则就读费用的增加不会自动等同于经济援助的增加. Lastly, if you wish to increase a PLUS or alternative loan, you may have to apply for another loan. Consult with the Office of Student 金融援助 regarding specific rules for your situation.

2018/2019学生重新评估请求:根据您和/或您配偶经济状况的变化,使用此表格申请对您的经济援助进行重新评估. 适用的情况包括:离婚, 分离, or death of a spouse whose income is listed on your FAFSA; loss of income due to disabling illness or injury; involuntary loss of employment; involuntary reduction or elimination of monetary benefits from an outside agency/person (such as Social 安全 benefits or child support).

2018/2019家长重新评估请求: 使用此表格可以根据父母经济状况的变化要求重新评估你的经济援助. 适用的情况包括:离婚, 分离, or death of a parent whose income is listed on your FAFSA; loss of income due to disabling illness or injury; involuntary loss of employment; involuntary reduction or elimination of monetary benefits from an outside agency/person (such as Social 安全 benefits or child support).


你有责任管理你的经济援助经历, 因此,请务必经常查看您的“鹰链”,并查看您从我们收到的任何电子邮件,因为它们可能包含对额外信息或行动的请求. 请致电(229)584-2460,发邮件至 finaid@bellydance-passion.net, or stop by if you have any questions, we are here to help you!



托马斯维尔,GA 31792